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We're excited to worship alongside you. Below are some tips on what to expect during your visit with us.


Worship is at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings with Education Hour (Sunday School and Bible Class) at 10:30 a.m. Sept–May. We celebrate the Sacrament of the Altar each Sunday.


Many visitors wonder if they will “fit in” when they visit a congregation for the first time. At Trinity, we take to heart that God’s desire is for all people to be saved. This means that we want you to be here! It doesn’t matter what you look like or wear. We don’t have a dress code or a checklist to get in the door. When you visit, you will find people in jeans, shorts (yes, even in the middle of a Minnesota winter!), dress pants, skirts, dresses, and suits. We suggest when you visit, take a few minutes and introduce yourself to Pastor Einertson so he can get to know you better.


We worship using the historic liturgy of the church and we use the Lutheran Service Book hymnal published by Concordia Publishing House. We continue the historic practice of closed communion at Trinity. This practice is one that seeks fellowship but realizes that sin has divided the church. Where open communion overlooks these differences, we take the words of St. Paul to the Corinthians seriously about coming together united. If you have questions, or for more information, click here for the LC-MS's stance or feel free to contact Pastor Einertson.

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