All are welcome to join in fellowship with each other to nurture their faith and grow in His grace and truth.
Adult Bible Study
Our main Adult Bible Study gathers at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday to take a deeper look into God’s Word. We meet in the downstairs level of the building. We begin each week with time for questions about current events and how our faith interacts with things happening in the world today. Following this, we take a deeper look at the Scripture Readings that we use in worship. Throughout the week we also have opportunities for further study.
LifeLight Bible Study
LifeLight studies provide an active 9-week exploration of entire Bible books and topical themes of Scripture. Participants uncover Biblical truths from the little details to the big-picture teachings. LifeLight follows a simple, three-step format for personal, group, and lecture-based study that complements all kinds of learning styles. Join us to learn more!
Contact the church office for details (651-463-7225).
Each Wednesday from September-May, our middle school youth meet for instruction in the faith. We begin at 6 p.m. Students interested in joining should contact Pastor Einertson prior to joining the class. Confirmation is open to youth entering 7th grade with the goal of completing the 2 year program by the end of 8th grade. To find out if your child is ready for confirmation, click here.
Sunday School
Trinity has a Sunday School program for children in preschool through 8th grade. Our nursery classroom (ages 2–4) is a parent and student room where kids learn the basics of the Bible and the faith. The K-8th grade Sunday School classes dig deeper into various Bible stories and have time for study, prayer, crafts, and discussion each week. Our kids are paired with adult prayer partners who also support and encourage their faith formation.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer, we host a VBS program that is open to all kids ages 3–12. VBS is also a community outreach program that draws kids from the community into our church family. The program is free and includes learning Bible stories, crafts, dinner, games, music, and more. The theme for VBS changes each year, but the fun is never-ending. Check out our current events to find out more about this year's VBS program!